What does it mean to “Walk the Whale” exactly?

The name has a fun origin story you can read on the band’s
blog, a sweet tale of a family pet, and a spoonful of empathy. But, beyond its origins, “Walk the Whale” is a metaphor for the problems the band faced starting their project and the solutions they found.

As classically trained cellists making rock, pop, and folk music, Logan and Parker started the band feeling out of their element. Lifting this mass of songs, accumulating over a lifetime of playing music, out into the sunshine and stage lights seemed impossible. To say nothing of the absurdity of having cellos in your rock songs. 

“We were feeling a bit like Sysiphus. Except we chiseled the rock and picked the hill. These are our songs, after all, and no one needed to hear them. But we did, and that gnawed at us.”

Sometimes, life can throw us all problems that feel unsolvable.
Challenges that only you can overcome but can’t seem to start.

The message we hope to convey with “Walk the Whale” is overcoming these challenges cannot be solved with hope. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. It doesn’t do you any good. Instead, grab your cumbersome, awkward whale of an issue and start walking. It doesn’t matter where. Just go somewhere and then come back. And then go again tomorrow.

“For us, we just had to try. It will never be the best, the most perfect, or maybe even what you intended. But it will be yours. And as long as you keep it up, you are still doing it right. The only difference between trying and succeeding is wherever you drew your line in the sand.

That’s the message of Walk the Whale.
Don’t draw those lines; just look around.
You’re already going the right way.”